Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees 2024
Here is our list of fruit trees for 2024.Call today: 208-461-6101Fruit tree options from Dave Wilson: See the full list in the link below.Additional fruit trees and berry options available:Blueberry Brunswick Blueberry Burgundy Blueberry Pink Lemonade Blueberry Aurora...

What Is Backyard Orchard Culture?
Summer Pruning for Size ControlFamilies today have less space for fruit trees, less time to take care of them, and less time to process or preserve large crops than in the past. Accordingly, today's family orchards should be planned and managed differently. The...

Which Bees are Best for Pollinating Early Blooming Flowers, Trees and Shrubs? The Orchard Mason Bees
THE ORCHARD MASON BEES OSMIA LIGNARIA PROPINQUA CRESSON "BLUE ORCHARD BEE" 2021 The Orchard Mason Bee or Blue Orchard Bee is our Western native pollinator, which appears each year in late winter and early spring to pollinate all our early blooming fruit...

Things to Consider When Thinking About a Backyard Orchard
Backyard Orchard Culture How amazing would it be to harvest fresh, homegrown fruit straight from your own backyard? We say, yes, please! Backyard orchard culture, especially in and around the Boise area, is on the rise. This brief article will give you the basics to...