Growing Tips
Roots of evergreens, deciduous trees and shrubs have a symbiotic relationship with a fungi called Mycorrhizae. This fungus invades the root cells of most trees. In most cases we would think this fungus is damaging the tree, but it is not. Mycorrhizae does steal carbon from the tree and in return gives back water, phosphates and other nutrients.
Growing Tomatoes
Growing your own tomatoes is not only a rewarding experience once you can pick them, vine ripened, but it’s a flavorful one as well. Here are some helpful ideas and suggestions for getting that juicy fruit as succulent as possible.
Hardy Mums
Your new mum may be planted in full sun or in a place where it gets half a day of sun. Plant your mum at the same level in the ground as it is now planted in the pot. Loosen any compacted roots and water it in well.
How to Control Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes
Blossom end rot is most common when the growing season starts out wet and then becomes dry when fruit is setting. A water-soaked spot at the blossom end of tomato fruits is the classic symptom of blossom end rot, and damage first appears when fruits are approximately half their full size.