Here's what to plant this fall to enjoy a more beautiful spring!Everyone loves it when irises, daffodils, tulips, and more bloom in the early spring, mid spring, and through late spring. The sudden burst of color into the otherwise dull and sometimes muddy early days...
Your Fall Bulb and Rhizome Planting Guide
Your Fall Bulb and Rhizome Planting Guide. When we think about planting flowers, spring is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But fall is the perfect time to plant several varieties of perennial flower bulbs so that they can pop up next spring and...
Garlic Growing, Harvesting, Curing, and Storing
Garlic is a fairly easy plant to grow and care for. It is generally planted in the fall after the first killing frost. Here in zone 6B, we generally plant between October 15 and Nov 1. Garlic needs several weeks of cold weather to properly form bulbs. Planting:...
What’s New
What's New. Looking for more? Contact us today.Stay In The Know.Subscribe to receive the lastest news and exclusive offers!Give your vines somewhere to climb!We just got in 10 styles of handmade trellises. A perfect addition for your garden and flower needs!Choose...
How to Prepare Your Lawn and Garden for the Fall and Winter
The weather in the Treasure Valley has been an exercise in extremes this summer, giving us both heat and drought and unseasonably chilly temperatures and rain. These temperature extremes and conditions can really do a number on your lawn and garden, but as the seasons...
All About Garlic
Garlic 1) Chesnok Red A highly flavorful variety that is a purple striped hardneck. Considered to be one of the best for cooking. Great for baking and easy to peal large cloves. 2) Early Italian An easy to grow softneck variety. Prolific and long storing (up to 10...
How To Grow Onions and Potatoes
It may seem less than economical to grow your own onions and potatoes, however, the taste of these fresh vegetables more than return that investment. It takes only a minimum of effort which will lead to a bountiful harvest. In this article we will discuss a couple of...
Lawn & Garden Winterization
Planning for cold weather is important to the survival and vitality of your plants in the spring. Some of you may have already started this process, but there is still time for those of you who haven't. Diagnosis of ailments for treatment, clearing of debris and...